
The sweet physics of saltwater taffy

American beach town boardwalks often boast numerous storefronts advertising saltwater taffies. The candy calls to mind summer vacations, a rainbow assortment of colors and flavors, and a sweetness that sticks to the roof ...

A linear path to efficient quantum technologies

Researchers at the University of Stuttgart have demonstrated that a key ingredient for many quantum computation and communication schemes can be performed with an efficiency that exceeds the commonly assumed upper theoretical ...

Study provides new insights into lipid droplet dynamics

In a study published in Developmental Cell, researchers led by Prof. Huang Xun from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences demonstrated the role of lipid droplet-localized CETN-SPDL1-L ...

Measuring dark matter halos around ancient quasars

At the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole. Beyond a certain size, these become active, emitting huge amounts of radiation, and are then called quasars. It is thought these are activated by the presence of ...

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