
Making mini-magnets that induce a quantum anomalous Hall effect

A new device has been fabricated that can demonstrate the quantum anomalous Hall effect, in which tiny, discrete voltage steps are generated by an external magnetic field. This work may enable extremely low-power electronics, ...

Exploring bioresponsive polymers for nanomedicine

Dr. Sabina Quader, senior research scientist of the Innovation Center of NanoMedicine, together with Dr. Joachim van-Guyse, assistant professor at Leiden University, has published a review article titled "Bioresponsive Polymers ...

CHEOPS space telescope celebrates first thousand days in orbit

After 1,000 days in orbit around the Earth, the CHEOPS space telescope shows almost no signs of wear. Under these conditions, it could continue to reveal the fascinating details of many exoplanets for many years to come. ...

Researchers model benefits of riverfront forest restoration

A new Stanford University-led study in Costa Rica reveals that restoring relatively narrow strips of riverfront forests could substantially improve regional water quality and carbon storage. The analysis, available online ...

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