
Finding a long-hidden secret in 'Paradise Lost'

It's not every day that an undergraduate makes a significant discovery about one of the most famous poems in English literature, but Miranda Phaal, A18, did just that in her senior year at Tufts. Now she has published an ...

Gloomy forecast for the Aletsch Glacier

The largest glacier in the Alps is visibly suffering the effects of global warming. ETH researchers have now calculated how much of the Aletsch Glacier will still be visible by the end of the century. In the worst-case scenario, ...

A new journey into Earth for space exploration

Six astronauts, five space agencies and a fresh start into underground worlds to help prepare for living on other planets. ESA's latest training adventure will equip an international crew with skills to explore uncharted ...

Image: Avalanche season on Mars

Every spring, the sun shines on the side of the stack of layers at the North Pole of Mars known as the north polar layered deposits. The warmth destabilizes the ice and blocks break loose.

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