
Help make a better world land map with NASA app

Starting this month, you can be part of a project to create more detailed satellite-based global maps of land cover by sharing photos of the world around you in a new NASA citizen science project.

Forest Service science improving fire weather prediction

The weather plays a significant role in how a wildfire grows, how fast it spreads, and how dangerous it can become for firefighters, but few tools exist to help fire managers anticipate days when weather conditions will have ...

Big data is synergized by team and open science

For some time, "big data" has loomed large as a source of challenges and opportunities for science, but as yet, guidance on how to manage the data deluge has been wanting.

The world needs death and decomposition

What if roadkill piled beside the road and never decomposed? What if massive fish kills washed up on beaches and remained for eternity?

Future impacts of El Nino, La Nina likely to intensify

When an El Niño or its opposite, La Niña, forms in the future, it's likely to cause more intense impacts over many land regions—amplifying changes to temperature, precipitation and wildfire risk.

Navigating the path to a PhD

For many college students with chemistry-related majors, the next step in their career path is not always clear. Should they go to graduate school? If so, how does one choose a research program and advisor? What if something ...

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