
Eggshell-based surgical material for skull injuries

A bioactive polymer-ceramic composite for fixing implants and restoring bone defects in the skull was developed by an international group of materials scientists from the NUST MISIS Center for Composite Materials. An innovative ...

How plastics could help build a sustainable future

The disposal of plastics is a global problem. They are nearly indestructible in natural conditions but are discarded worldwide on a large scale. The world produces around 359 million metric tons of plastics each year. Nature ...

Predicting A-level grades accurately 'near-impossible task'

Predicting A-level grades is a "near-impossible task," and the system needs to be overhauled to reduce inaccuracies that can lead to unfair disadvantages for some students, says new research from the UCL Institute of Education.

Grey reef sharks found to exhibit social behavior

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.S. and the U.K. has found that gray reef sharks exhibit a form of social behavior. Their paper is published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

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