
NASA's SDO watches a sunspot turn toward Earth

An active region on the sun—an area of intense and complex magnetic fields—has rotated into view on the sun and seems to be growing rather quickly in this video captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory between July ...

The wave nature of light in super-slow motion

Physicists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) have accomplished a quantum leap in light research. They have managed to capture the behaviour of extremely ...

Synthesizing the human genome from scratch

For the past 15 years, synthetic biologists have been figuring out how to synthesize an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. They've tackled the genomes of microbes, but now one large consortium has ...

Mulling over the aromas of wine

A fine wine has an ideal balance of ingredients. Too much or too little of a component could mean the difference between a wine with a sweet and fruity aroma and one that smells like wet newspaper. To help wineries avoid ...

Adapters enable better communication between machines

Plug and play is a technology that allows users to connect devices such as printers or USB memory sticks to a computer and directly use them without installing any software. This technology is now also available for industrial ...

Does a candidate's religion matter to voters?

Religion is sometimes used as shorthand to define a political candidate's views—"evangelical" and "antiabortion" may be considered interchangeable. But a new analysis by political scientists at the University of Houston ...

Evolution of a bacterial enzyme in green algae

A new jigsaw piece in the evolution of green algae has been identified by researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum together with colleagues from Max Planck Institute in Mülheim an der Ruhr. They analysed the hydrogen-producing ...

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