
France looks at ways to tax Internet retailers

The French government on Thursday launched a study that could lead later this year to levies on big Internet based companies that sell large amounts in France without paying much in taxes.

Disentangling information from photons

Theoretical physicist Filippo Miatto and colleagues from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, have found a new method of reliably assessing the information contained in photon pairs used for applications in cryptography ...

From aflatoxin to sake: A case of microbe domestication

What do beer, dogs and cats, and corn all have in common? All of them are the end products of the process of domestication. Almost everybody knows that a number of different animals and plants have been bred for qualities ...

Male sex ornaments are fishing lures, literally

Talk about a bait-and-switch. Male representatives of the tropical fish known as swordtail characins have flag-like sex ornaments that catch mates just like the bait on a fishing rod would. What's more, a study reported online ...

US wineries uncork Internet innovations

From iPads in vineyards to virtual tastings on Twitter, the tradition-steeped US wine industry is increasingly turning to Internet Age innovations to improve vintages and profits.

Klimt gets 21st-century makeover with iPads, apps

Vienna's Belvedere Museum is giving Gustav Klimt a 21st-century makeover even as he turns 150, with smartphones, iPads and tablet computers now guiding the visitor... even beyond the museum's doors.

EU wants life-saver tests on cars, motorbikes

Bent on saving hundreds of lives lost on Europe's roads each year due to faulty vehicles and motorbikes, the EU will call for tougher technical tests in proposals to be unveiled Friday.

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