
Analysing the effects two decades after a mining spill

A group of experts from the University of Seville has carried out a comparative study of the concentrations—both totals as well as fractions—of the metals found in sediment in the River Guadiamar in 2002 with those present ...

Twisted microfiber's network responses to water vapor

Researchers at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) graduate student Kulisara Budpud, Assoc. Prof. Kosuke Okeyoshi, Dr. Maiko Okajima and, Prof. Tatsuo Kaneko reveal a unique polysaccharide fiber in ...

Image: Barcelona, Spain

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Barcelona—the second largest city in Spain.

ESAIL maritime satellite ready for launch

The ESAIL microsatellite for tracking ships worldwide—developed under an ESA Partnership Project—has completed its accommodation on Vega's new dispenser for small satellites and is ready for launch.

The rise of the 'liberaltarian'

Political economists Neil Malhotra and David Broockman have documented a new species of political animal: the liberaltarian.

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