
Scientists propose data encoding method for the 6G standard

Researchers around the world are working on methods to transfer data in the terahertz (THz) range, which would make it possible to send and receive information more quickly than today's technology. But it is much more difficult ...

Unlocking PNA's superpowers for self-assembling nanostructures

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a method for self-assembling nanostructures with gamma-modified peptide nucleic acid (γPNA), a synthetic mimic of DNA. The process has the potential to impact nanomanufacturing ...

Adding noise for completely secure communication

How can we protect communications against eavesdropping if we don't trust the devices used in the process? This is one of the main questions in quantum cryptography research. Researchers at the University of Basel and ETH ...

Did a shark clash with large squid and live to tell the tale?

Underwater photographer Deron Verbeck was diving off the coast of Kona, Hawaii when he spotted an oceanic whitetip shark with strange scarring across its head and back. He snapped a photo of the shark with its scarring pattern ...

Pandemic shuts Earth's eyes on the skies

It's as if the Earth has closed its eyes, some scientists say: the coronavirus pandemic has forced astronomers in northern Chile to shut down the world's most powerful telescopes, running the risk of missing out on supernovas ...

Study warns of poverty surge to over 1 billion due to virus

Global poverty is set to rise above 1 billion people once again as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, which is reducing the income of the world's poorest by $500 million a day, according to new research published Friday.

Half the Earth relatively intact from global human influence

Roughly half of Earth's ice-free land remains without significant human influence, according to a study from a team of international researchers led by the National Geographic Society and the University of California, Davis.

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