
NASA funds SwRI instrument to date moon and Mars rocks

NASA has approved $2.6 million to advance development of Southwest Research Institute's (SwRI) Chemistry, Organics, and Dating Experiment (CODEX) instrument. The device will allow unmanned rovers to analyze the decay of radioactive ...

Ants' movements hide mathematical patterns

When ants go exploring in search of food they end up choosing collective routes that fit statistical distributions of probability. This has been demonstrated by a team of mathematicians after analysing the trails of a species ...

How the presence of conservation researchers affects wildlife

In a study that compared three sites within the Dja Conservation Complex in Cameroon, Africa, investigators found that the presence of a conservation research project acts as a deterrent to chimpanzee and gorilla poachers, ...

Ana becomes first 2015 Atlantic tropical storm and weakens ashore

On May 9, 2015 at 1626 UTC ( 12:26 PM EDT) the GPM satellite flew over when ANA was making the change from subtropical storm to tropical storm. Convective storms near the inner-core region were warming the center of the storm ...

Mining pollution alters fish genetics in southwest England

Pollution from historic mining activities in south west England has led to a reduction in genetic diversity of brown trout according to new research from the University of Exeter. The findings, which will be published on ...

New national database of coastal flooding launched

Scientists have compiled a new database of coastal flooding in the UK over the last 100 years, which they hope will provide crucial information to help prevent future flooding events.

A gap year does not weaken study success

A gap year between high school and the start of university studies does not weaken young people's enthusiasm to study or their overall performance once the studies have commenced. On the other hand, adolescents who continue ...

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