
Facebook-Google rivalry intensifies with PR fiasco (Update)

The intense rivalry between Facebook and Google just got juicier as characters behind the latest Silicon Valley drama evoked chatter of smear campaigns, secrecy and even Richard Nixon. It took the once-secret blogger known ...

Economist studies how higher gas price affect consumer behavior

A dollar is a dollar is a dollar, so goes the economic theory of fungibility. But do people really act that way? In a new working paper, Brown University economist Justine Hastings and Jesse Shapiro of Chicago Booth School ...

Salinity in Outer Banks wells traced to fossil seawater

Rising salinity in the primary source for desalinated tap water in North Carolina's Outer Banks has been traced to fossil seawater, not – as some have feared – to recent seawater intrusion.

Serotonin and heat play a role in leeches abilities

(PhysOrg.com) -- In two new studies published in Biology Letters, researchers have looked at the blood-sucking leeches and how serotonin and heat play a role in their ability to move and digest food after eating.

Biologists interpret the language of sperm whales

When they dive together, sperm whales make patterns of clicks to each other known as "codas". Recent findings suggest that, not only do different codas mean different things, but that whales can also tell which member of ...

Africa's sea turtles need passports for protection

Satellite tracking of olive ridley sea turtles off the coast of Central Africa has revealed that existing protected areas may be inadequate to safeguard turtles from fishing nets, according to scientists with the University ...

China piracy cost software industry $20bn in 2010

Piracy cost the global software industry more than $20 billion in losses in the China market last year despite the increasing use of legitimate programmes, an official survey showed Thursday.

Eucalyptus tree genome deciphered

The key to the survival of forestry in South Africa as well as many new possibilities for renewable bioproducts like biofuels and biopolymers may now be available with the click of a mouse.

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