
How mussels maintain adhesion underwater

Bathroom accessories mounted on tile walls often fall off if not mounted correctly. This is because the moisture in the bathroom weakens the surface adhesion. Conversely, mussels boast amazing adhesion as they stick firmly ...

Not all biodegradable plastic degrades more easily in the ocean

A new study led by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona, in which the Instituto de Investigaciones Mariñas (IIM-CSIC) in Vigo has also participated, has revealed that PLA plastic, of biological and biodegradable ...

Cash transfer proposal has downsides for child poverty

A proposal to provide monthly payments to most U.S. parents, similar to those under the pandemic relief program, would likely worsen poverty for children of single mothers, a study has found.

Modeling Earth's magnetosphere in the laboratory

A magnetosphere forms around any magnetized object, such as a planet, that is immersed within a stream of ionized gas, called plasma. Because Earth possesses an intrinsic magnetic field, the planet is surrounded by a large ...

Linear polarization holography

In conventional holography, the hologram is formed by recording the interference fringes of two coherent beams using a photosensitive material. The amplitude and phase information of the original signal wave can be reconstructed ...

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