
Southern sea levels rise drastically

(Phys.org) -- Sea levels have risen about 20cm in the South West Pacific since the late 19th century, a new scientific study shows.

H3+: The molecule that made the Universe

(Phys.org) -- In a study that pushed quantum mechanical theory and research capabilities to the limit, University of Arizona researchers have found a way to see the molecule that likely made the universe - or at least the ...

Most of upstate New York continues to lose people

(Phys.org) -- Although New York state grew by 87,093 people in the 15 months after the 2010 census, 37 upstate counties lost population, according to new U.S. Census Bureau population estimates.

Naked Energy touts hybrid solar panel in tube design

(Phys.org) -- A British company, Guildford-based Naked Energy, has come up with a “hybrid” solar panel that has generated much interest in the past weeks because of its design, function, and test results, comparing ...

Ferroelectric oxides do the twist

(Phys.org) -- Some materials, by their nature, do what we want them to do -- notably, the ubiquitous, semiconducting silicon found in almost every electronic device. But sometimes, naturally occurring materials need a little ...

Charter schools no cure-all for black students, says study

(Phys.org) -- Despite being promoted as a viable alternative to traditional public schools, privately owned charter schools in Texas have higher attrition rates for black students than comparable urban public schools, says ...

Asian tsunami warnings test post-2004 systems

Giant quakes off Indonesia caused panic but little damage, in a successful test of warning systems and evacuation plans introduced after the catastrophic 2004 Asian tsunami, experts said Thursday.

Google likely next in antitrust push on tech giants

Google is likely the next major tech target of US and EU trust-busters after the US Justice Department sued Apple Wednesday for illegally colluding with publishers in the e-book market, legal experts said.

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