
Giving FCC authority to set policy on net neutrality

A federal appeals court reined in the Federal Communications Commission last week, ruling that it overstepped its authority when it penalized Comcast for surreptitiously disabling a popular technology that let people share ...

New hope for ultimate clean energy: fusion power

(PhysOrg.com) -- Imagine if you could generate electricity using nuclear power that emitted no radioactivity: it would be the answer to the world's dream of finding a clean, sustainable energy source.

'Falcon-cam' captures life in UB nest

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new University at Buffalo Web camera is capturing life in a peregrine falcon nest on the UB South Campus in Buffalo, where, for the second consecutive year, a female has laid her eggs.

Energy conservation in south could save billions, create jobs

Energy-efficiency measures in the southern U.S. could save consumers $41 billion on their energy bills, open 380,000 new jobs, and save 8.6 billion gallons of water by 2020, according to a new study from the Nicholas Institute ...

Changes in crops acres since freedom to farm

The 1996 U.S. Farm Bill eliminated many acreage restrictions, thereby allowing farmers to plant what they believe to be their most competitive crops. A study conducted by University of Illinois agricultural economists evaluated ...

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