
Shaping radio signals using light

Shaping radio signals using photonics technologies seems like a detour. But the versatility of current programmable silicon photonic circuits can open new possibilities according to researchers of the University of Twente. ...

Scientists build the smallest cable containing a spin switch

A study published in Nature Communications involving researchers from the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Nanoscience (IMDEA) and the University of Sevilla has measured for the first time the electrical conductivity ...

Disrupting harmful food systems to prevent future pandemics

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Maywa Montenegro de Wit joined the UC Santa Cruz faculty this past July, amidst the global coronavirus pandemic, and that experience has guided her work in some important new directions.

Reducing the use of critically important antimicrobials in pets

A new trial by the University of Liverpool's Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) has demonstrated effective strategies for reducing the prescription of critically important antimicrobials in veterinary ...

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