
Archaeologists unearth centuries-old pretzels in Bavaria

Archaeologists say two pretzels unearthed during a dig on the banks of the Danube in the German city of Regensburg could be more than 300 years old—and are little different to the doughy product available in the state's ...

Computer scientists simplify parallel programming

Modern software takes computational speed for granted. But modern microprocessors can only speed up by increasing the number of cores. To take full advantage of multiple cores, software developers have to arrange their code ...

In pursuit of the perfectly animated cloud of smoke

Simulations of impressive landscapes and alien creatures have become commonplace, especially in fantasy and science fiction films. But simulations are also appearing in ever more medical and engineering applications. However, ...

Move it or lose it: One-year mission video miniseries

Have you ever noticed after lying in bed sick for a few days that standing upright took you a moment to regain your balance? Or perhaps you have an aging grandparent who spends more time lying in bed than standing and you ...

China's Alibaba drives into 'Internet car' industry

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba on Thursday joined the country's biggest auto maker with a plan to develop an Internet-connected car, following other non-traditional players such as Google making inroads into the industry.

Native food, native wisdom

For people who have been connected to the land it comes from for thousands of years, food is more than just a collection of calories and nutrients. For Native Americans, traditional staples can define their identity and represent ...

Software could help reduce leading cause of air fatalities

Nicholas Kasdaglis, a Ph.D. student and research assistant in the Human-Centered Design Institute at Florida Institute of Technology, has been awarded use of cutting-edge design software that may allow him to better understand ...

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