
More secure communications thanks to quantum physics

One of the recent revelations by Edward Snowden is that the U.S. National Security Agency is currently developing a quantum computer. Physicists aren't surprised by this news; such a computer could crack the encryption that ...

Image: Prescribed fires abound in Southeast U.S.

It is March 2014. Growing season is right around the corner, as well as wildfire season, and hundreds of prescribed fires dot the landscape of the southeastern portion of the United States. These fires are used by farmers ...

Self-powered wireless light detectors

Light detectors are used extensively in daily life as brightness sensors and as receivers for remote control devices in electrical gadgets, for example. However, operating these detectors requires electrical energy, which ...

Video: Using microbes to generate bioplastics

European scientists are experimenting with bacteria and algae and turn them into bioplastic factories. Their vision: these microorganisms should produce a large portion of our plastic materials without any petroleum.

Largest yellow hypergiant star spotted

ESO's Very Large Telescope has revealed the largest yellow star—and one of the 10 largest stars found so far. This hypergiant has been found to measure more than 1,300 times the diameter of the Sun, and to be part of a ...

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