
State workers underpaid, new study finds

A comparison of public sector workers in Illinois with their peers in the private sector shows a general wage and salary penalty for state and local government employees, according to research by a University of Illinois ...

Super nanowire composite solves 'valley of death' riddle

(Phys.org) —In a world first, a team of researchers from Australia, China and the US has created a super strong metallic composite by harnessing the extraordinary mechanical properties of nanowires.

India aborts testing of new cruise missile

The maiden flight of India's first domestically developed long-range cruise missile was aborted midway on Tuesday after it veered off course, defence scientists said.

Nations boost efforts to curb illegal logging

Governments agreed Tuesday to step up efforts to protect threatened tree species from illegal loggers amid warnings that criminal gangs are plundering the world's forests.

Extremely rare triple quasar found

(Phys.org) —For only the second time in history, a team of scientists—including Carnegie's Michele Fumagalli—have discovered an extremely rare triple quasar system. Their work is published by Monthly Notices of the ...

SimCity climbing from launch wreckage

The hugely popular SimCity game is rapidly recovering from its trouble-plagued launch but problems are yet to be completely eradicated, company officials said.

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