
Cardinals tweet goodbyes before conclave lockdown

Cardinals entering the Vatican ahead of a conclave to elect the next pope took to Twitter to say goodbye to their online flock before they are cut off from the outside world.

Curiosity rover's recovery moving forward

(Phys.org) —NASA's Mars rover Curiosity continues to move forward with assessment and recovery from a memory glitch that affected the rover's A-side computer. Curiosity has two computers that are redundant of one another. ...

Japan extracts 'fire ice' gas from seabed

Japan said Tuesday it had successfully extracted methane hydrate, known as "fire ice", from its seabed, possibly unlocking many years' worth of gas for the resource-starved country.

China wrestles with cost of cleaner environment

(AP)—Facing public outrage over smog-choked cities and filthy rivers, China's leaders are promising to clean up the country's neglected environment—a pledge that sets up a clash with political pressures to keep economic ...

Two space launch workers burned at Calif. base

(AP)—Two workers for a company that launches spacecraft for the U.S. government were seriously injured in an electrical explosion at Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast.

Taking transistors into a new dimension

A new breakthrough could push the limits of the miniaturization of electronic components further than previously thought possible. A team at the Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes (LAAS) and Institut d'Électronique, ...

On-site electric current measurement to improve Smart Grid design

New and improved technology for measuring power quality in smart grids could save 839k tonnes of carbon and bring £250 million annual GVA in economic benefit. The technology has been developed by scientists at the Centre ...

Biological wires carry electricity thanks to special amino acids

Slender bacterial nanowires require certain key amino acids in order to conduct electricity, according to a study to be published in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology, on Tuesday, ...

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