
India fears another flash flood from new Himalayan lake

A newly formed Himalayan lake raised fears Friday of another flash flood above a disaster-hit valley in northern India, prompting authorities to conduct helicopter surveys and send a team on a 16-hour climb to investigate.

Why African countries must invest more in earth sciences

The African continent contains some of the world's richest mineral resources. For instance, the Democratic Republic of Congo produces most of the world's cobalt; Rwanda, Ethiopia and Mozambique are major contributors to global ...

ESA Mars orbiters support NASA Perseverance landing

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is due to land on the Red Planet at 21:43 CET on 18 February 2021. In order to communicate with Earth from its landing site in Jezero Crater, the rover will rely on spacecraft orbiting ...

The reality of mobile living is often not quite what it seems

Travel might be restricted, but that hasn't stopped a growing community from taking their work, and their home, on the road. Inspired in part by Grey Nomads, these new digital nomads are embracing van life and everything ...

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