
How roots find their way to water

Plants use their roots to search for water. While the main root digs downwards, a large number of fine lateral roots explore the soil on all sides. As researchers from Nottingham, Heidelberg and Goethe University of Frankfurt ...

New quasiparticle unveiled in room temperature semiconductors

Physicists from Switzerland and Germany have unveiled fingerprints of the long-sought particle known as the Mahan exciton in the room temperature optical response of the popular methylammonium lead halide perovskites.

Hackers could shut down satellites–or turn them into weapons

Last month, SpaceX became the operator of the world's largest active satellite constellation. As of the end of January, the company had 242 satellites orbiting the planet with plans to launch 42,000 over the next decade. ...

Right beneath the skin we all have the same bacteria

In the dermis skin layer, the same bacteria are found across age and gender. This has been shown by researchers from the University of Copenhagen in a new study which has studied skin samples from knees and hips. The researchers ...

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