
Patterns in sky brightness depend very strongly on location

At many locations around the world, the night sky shines hundreds of times brighter than it did before the introduction of artificial light. Berlin based researchers from the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland ...

Understanding mental health through art curation

Vienna: 'City of Music'; 'City of Dreams'; home, at the turn of the 20th century to some of the most influential composers, artists and thinkers of our time. For Gemma Blackshaw, Associate Professor of Art History, the Austrian ...

Study reveals the poetry of rap, through rhyme

Linguists at The University of Manchester have examined the tracks of artists including multiple Grammy award-winner Eminem and Public Enemy, finding that the rhymes that make them superstars are so intuitive they are not ...

Promising nanomaterials origin revealed

Florida State University scientists are offering a new understanding of how an intriguing nanomaterial—metallofullerene—is formed in a recently published research study.

The journey to discovering species

Did you know the world's smallest goannas, the Dampier Peninsula goannas (Varanus sparnus), are about 5,000 times lighter than their larger relatives, the Komodo dragons? The recent announcement of the discovery of the goanna ...

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