
See tumor cells in real time during an operation

(Phys.org) —The latest generation in surgical microscopes enables a surgeon to directly observe cell and microvasculature structures. This device developed by the EPFL spin-off Samantree makes it possible, for example, ...

What studying networks can tell us about the world

There was an opening ceremony on Feb. 5 for the Yale Institute for Network Science (YINS), dedicated to exploring fundamental properties of networks as they appear throughout the biological, physical, and social sciences.

How 'broken windows' impact political activism

(Phys.org) —If you left your apartment today to this scene – louts loitering in the street, drugs openly sold on the corner, prostitution and public alcohol consumption – would you call your city councilperson to complain? ...

Highly porous organic polymer shows promise as CO2 trap

(Phys.org) —As the fight against global warming heats up, scientists around the world are in pursuit of ways to generate natural gas without compromising the environment and human health. But what if there were a way to ...

Image: Landsat 8's first year

On Feb. 11, 2013, the Landsat 8 satellite rocketed into a sunny California morning onboard a powerful Atlas V and began its life in orbit. In the year since launch, scientists have been working to understand the information ...

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