
Corky, The Little Brown Mouse That's 100 Percent Green

(PhysOrg.com) -- A computer mouse that’s made from recycled and biodegradable cork and recycled plastic components is one of 18 finalists in the Greener Gadgets Design Competition. But its technology is even greener than ...

Are high speed elephants running or walking?

Most animals don't think anything of breaking into a run: they switch effortlessly from walking to a high-speed bouncing run. But what about elephants? Their sheer size makes it impossible for them to bounce up in the air ...

Next chapter in digital book deal: Google vs. DOJ

(AP) -- Determined to create the world's largest digital library, Google Inc. is betting it knows more about U.S. antitrust and copyright laws than the government regulators enforcing them.

Space station gets room, huge window to see Earth

(AP) -- Astronauts put the last big addition on the International Space Station early Friday, attaching a new room with an enormous bay window that promises to provide unprecedented panoramic views of Earth.

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