
How one pathogen evades the immune system

An LMU research team led by Nicolai Siegel has uncovered a mechanism that enables the parasite that causes sleeping sickness in humans to escape the attention of the immune system. The finding may also be relevant to other ...

Neptune-sized exoplanet discovered by NGTS survey

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new exoplanet as part of the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). The newly found alien world, designated NGTS-14Ab, is about 30% larger than Neptune. The ...

Speciation in the presence of gene flow

Spatial isolation is known to promote speciation—but LMU researchers have now shown that, at least in yeast, the opposite is also true. New ecological variants can also evolve within thoroughly mixed populations.

Reconstructing the solar system's original architecture

As the solar system was developing, the giant planets (Jupiter and Saturn) formed very early, and as they grew, they migrated both closer to and further away from the sun to stay in gravitationally stable orbits.

Where does untreated wastewater go in developing countries?

To limit the spread of disease and reduce environmental pollution, human waste (excreta) needs to be safely contained and effectively treated. Yet 4.2 billion people, more than half of the world's population, lack access ...

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