
How plants interact with beneficial microbes in the soil

Scientists have wondered for years how legumes such as soybeans, whose roots host nitrogen-fixing bacteria that produce essential plant nutrients out of thin air, are able to recognize these bacteria as both friendly and ...

Tiebreaks push competition—not only in sports

The strategy used for resolving ties and determining bid limits decides on whether competition is pushed or not. In weightlifting, for instance, the tie is resolved in favor of the athlete with the lower body mass. In and ...

Grazing towards sustainability

The first international Global Farm Platform conference hosted by the University of Bristol this week [12 to 15 January] will highlight the benefits of utilising pasture and robust cows over high-yield, intensive systems.

Shark research leads biologists to create 'Beastcam'

When University of Massachusetts Amherst biologist Duncan J. Irschick was working with sharks in Florida last spring to better understand their body shapes, he longed for a simple, quick tool for creating 3-dimensional (3D) ...

Singing in the brain: Songbirds sing like humans

A songbirds' vocal muscles work like those of human speakers and singers, finds a study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The research on Bengalese finches showed that each of their vocal muscles can change ...

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