
Revealing the inner workings of a molecular motor

In research published in the Journal of Cell Biology, scientists from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan have made important steps toward understanding how dynein—a "molecular motor"—walks along tube-like structures ...

First ever working sweet-pepper harvesting robot

The European research project Clever Robots for Crops (CROPS) for the development of robotics in horticulture and forestry was recently accomplished. The project has been co-ordinated by Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture ...

Researchers study change in the dead sea valley

Water evaporation in the Dead Sea valley contributes significantly to sea level drop and varies as a function of the season and meteorological conditions. Within the framework of the HEADS measurement campaign, researchers ...

The epigenetic switchboard

Epigenetic signals help determine which genes are activated at which time in a given cell. A novel analytical method enables systematic characterization of the relevant epigenetic tags, and reveals that the system adapts ...

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