
Carmakers lure youth with gadgets, sleek design

Dashboards glittering with gadgets, turbo-charged engines and sleek designs are on offer as automakers try to attract young consumers who care more about computers than cars.

Loss of planetary tilt could doom alien life

Although winter now grips much of the Northern Hemisphere, those who dislike the cold weather can rest assured that warmer months shall return. This familiar pattern of spring, summer, fall and winter does more than merely ...

Budweiser's decline will continue, strategy expert says

Coors Light has surpassed Budweiser as the No. 2 beer by shipments in the United States, foretelling a downward trend for full-calorie lagers that will continue, says a strategy expert at Washington University in St. Louis.

Physicists develop nano-level sound detector

(PhysOrg.com) -- For a couple of decades now, physicists have known that if a very small laser beam is pointed at a microscopic particle, it could be held in place due to the very small electrical field that is generated. ...

Giant optical gain in a rare-earth-ion-doped microstructure

Prof. Markus Pollnau and co-workers at the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) have developed a rare-earth-ion-doped optical amplifier with performance comparable to semiconductor ...

Hotter homes produce smarter babies

(PhysOrg.com) -- A hotter home appears to produce babies with better cognitive abilities - but before you turn up the home heater to make your baby brainier, the research was conducted on the Australian lizard Bassiana duperreyi ...

100 year Starship Project has a new leader

You may have heard by now about the 100 Year Starship project, a new research initiative to develop the technology required to send a manned mission to another star. The project is jointly sponsored by NASA and the Defense ...

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