
Negative reviews boost sales

Aleksei Smirnov, Assistant Professor, HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences, and Egor Starkov, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, have constructed a mathematical model that explains why it is advantageous ...

Male weeds may hold key to their own demise

Scientists are getting closer to finding the genes for maleness in waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, two of the most troublesome agricultural weeds in the U.S.

Physicists observe the emergence of collective behaviour

Phase transitions describe dramatic changes in properties of a macroscopic system—like the transition from a liquid to a gas. Starting from individual ultracold atoms, Heidelberg University physicists were able to observe ...

Paris Agreement: five years on, it's time to fix carbon trading

With the election of Joe Biden, the US is set to rejoin the Paris Agreement. The country's commitment, made in 2015, to restrain temperature rises to 2°C as part of an international effort is again endorsed, at least on ...

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