
Rosetta fuels debate on origin of Earth's oceans

ESA's Rosetta spacecraft has found the water vapour from its target comet to be significantly different to that found on Earth. The discovery fuels the debate on the origin of our planet's oceans.

Finding rice traits that tackle climate-change challenges

People around the world depend on food crops adapted to an array of temperature and precipitation regimes, but those conditions are in flux because of global climate change. So scientists want to identify plant traits that ...

Scalable growth of high quality bismuth nanowires

Bismuth nanowires have intriguing electronic and energy-harvesting application possibilities. However, fabricating these materials with high quality and in large quantities is challenging.

Dingoes bring economic benefit to cattle graziers

Stopping dingo control measures such as baiting and fencing could increase net profit for cattle grazing enterprises – that's the surprising result from new University of Adelaide research.

3-D printer in high demand at NSLS-II

It looks like a coffee dispenser. But the nondescript grey box tucked against a wall in Bldg. 743 is actually a 3D printer. It's in high demand by scientists and engineers building beamlines for the National Synchrotron Light ...

Internet trend puts users center stage

Sensors that track steps, pulse, diet and more marked a wearable computing fashion trend this year as they evolve from measuring what we've done to telling us what to do.

Mechanical cues reprogram normal cell lines into stem-like cells

Scientists at the University at Buffalo and other institutions have turned cells normally used as model cells, known as immortalized cells, into stem or, as they call it, "stem-like" cells, using nothing more than mechanical ...

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