
Net zero emissions: What's in a date?

Arguably the principal environmental burden facing inhabitants of Planet Earth is the prospect of "global warming" (or "global heating" as recently suggested as a more appropriate term by a senior UK Met Office scientist) ...

Quitting Facebook could boost exam results

In research that validates what many parents and educators suspect, students whose grades are below average could boost their results if they devote less time to Facebook and other social networking sites.

Smart metamaterials that sense and reprogram themselves

Materials scientists aim to engineer intelligence into the fabric of materials or metamaterials for programmable functions. Engineering efforts can vary from passive to active forms to develop programmable metasurfaces using ...

Better biosensor technology created for stem cells

A Rutgers-led team has created better biosensor technology that may help lead to safe stem cell therapies for treating Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and other neurological disorders.

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