
Sickness stalks India village with toxic water

Through his bloodshot, ruined eyes, ten-year-old Roshan Singh struggles to read his favourite comic book before readying for school in this remote and desolate village along the Indian-Pakistan border.

G20 states spend $88bn in fossil fuel exploration subsidies

Leading world economies are spending $88 billion (71 billion euros) a year in fossil fuel exploration subsidies, sapping investment from low-carbon alternatives and increasing the risk of "dangerous climate change", a report ...

EU extends ban on deep-sea shark fishing

EU nations on Monday extended their ban on deep-sea shark fishing for the European fleet for at least another two years, with only Spain and Portugal voting against.

Call for greater protection at World Parks Congress

Thousands of representatives from more than 160 nations meet in Australia this week at the once-a-decade World Parks Congress as scientists warn that countries are failing to care for protected areas.

China censors US embassy pollution data during APEC

Authorities have ordered one of China's most popular air pollution-reporting apps to remove data provided by the US embassy, a company spokesman said Tuesday, as Beijing hosts a high-profile gathering of world leaders.

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