
Endangered Finnish seal stock makes small recovery

The Saimaa ringed seal population in Finland, which has been on the brink of extinction for decades, increased slightly last year thanks to aggressive conservation efforts, experts said Thursday.

Google errs -- twice -- over status of disputed isle

(AP) -- Google Inc. said Thursday its mapping service goofed twice by attributing a disputed islet off North Africa first to Morocco, and then to Spain, when the company's goal is to be neutral.

HP to pay $16.25M to settle FCC, DOJ case

(AP) -- Hewlett-Packard Co. has agreed to pay $16.25 million to settle allegations that it showered Texas school officials with gifts to win contracts funded by a federal program that pays for Internet connections for schools ...

SERVIR launches Himalayan node in Nepal

SERVIR-Himalaya made its successful debut in Kathmandu, Nepal, on Oct. 5, taking the stage as the third global node in the SERVIR Regional Visualization and Monitoring System. SERVIR-Himalaya expands the collaboration between ...

Searching for life on Mars

The first and only attempts to search for life on Mars were the Viking missions launched in 1975. Now scientists are suggesting the next decade of robotic probes sent to the red planet should make the search for life the ...

NASA test fires new rocket engine for commercial space vehicle

NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi conducted a successful test firing Wednesday of the liquid-fuel AJ26 engine that will power the first stage of Orbital Sciences Corp.'s Taurus II space launch vehicle. Orbital ...

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