
Anticipated social media buzz can drive tourism

How much positive feedback travelers think they'll get on social media can predict whether they intend to visit a tourism destination, a new University of Georgia study has found.

Where does the sand on Mars come from?

This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) shows one possible place where sand grains are being produced on Mars today. Discovered in images from the Context Camera, this region exhibits dark material that is ...

A safe optical fiber for delivering light and drugs into the body

A flexible, biodegradable optical fiber that can deliver light into the body for medical applications is the latest work of a collaboration between electrical engineers and biomaterials engineers in Penn State's Materials ...

New crew and new research in Antarctica

The Concordia research station in Antarctica is a place of extremes: for nine months no supplies can be delivered, the nearest living beings are 600 km away at the Russian Vostok station, and the Sun does not rise above the ...

Secrets of hidden ice canyons revealed

We are all aware that Antarctica's ice shelves are thinning, but recently scientists have also discovered huge canyons cutting through the underbelly of these shelves, potentially making them even more fragile. Thanks to ...

Research clarifies nuclear hormone receptor function in plants

The striking capacity for plants to adapt their growth and development to an ever-changing environment is mediated by diverse plant hormones that regulate virtually every aspect of plant life. In the past 10 to 15 years, ...

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