
Dating drought or purple patch? How males choose mates

(PhysOrg.com) -- Males decide how much effort they put into courtship and which females to court based on how many others they have recently encountered and how attractive they were, according to a new study into the mating ...

Time reversal: A simple particle could reveal new physics

(PhysOrg.com) -- A simple atomic nucleus could reveal properties associated with the mysterious phenomenon known as time reversal and lead to an explanation for one of the greatest mysteries of physics: the imbalance of matter ...

Discovery refutes previous theory about galaxies

(PhysOrg.com) -- The world’s largest optical telescope has allowed University of Florida astronomers to see new details about deep space galaxies, finding new clues to explain the evolution of galaxies like our own.

Physicists turn liquid into solid using an electric field

(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists have predicted that under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields, liquid droplets of certain materials will undergo solidification, forming crystallites at temperature and pressure ...

Android suited up for C-level security

(PhysOrg.com) -- Android is enterprise-ready, with this week's announcement of a new security platform for Android, from Motorola Mobility's subsidiary, 3LM (stands for Three Laws Mobility). This is a potential milestone ...

New view of Vesta mountain from Dawn mission

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new image from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows a mountain three times as high as Mt. Everest, amidst the topography in the south polar region of the giant asteroid Vesta.

Gut microbiome shapes change in human health and disease research

World class scientist Professor Willem M. de Vos will explain next Monday how the microbes that are closest to our hearts – gut microbes – could underpin a new way of thinking about human biology. As well as looking ...

Jobs death caused by respiratory arrest, cancer

A copy of Steve Jobs' death certificate made public Monday indicates that the Apple Inc. co-founder died of respiratory arrest resulting from pancreatic cancer that had spread to other organs.

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