
After an earthquake, how does a tsunami happen?

Friday's earthquake off Mexico was the largest in that region in over a century, and will add pressure to a region already being battered by several other natural disasters.

Emergency method for measuring strontium levels in milk

In a recently published study, UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country's Nuclear and Radiological Safety research group has tested the viability of a method proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency to measure radioactive ...

The only safe email is text-only email

It's troubling to think that at any moment you might open an email that looks like it comes from your employer, a relative or your bank, only to fall for a phishing scam. Any one of the endless stream of innocent-looking ...

Scientists observe largest solar flare in 12 years

The sun's largest solar flare in more than 12 years – and the eighth largest since modern records began in 1996 – has been captured in high detail by a team of researchers from the University of Sheffield and Queen's ...

Brain Composer—'thinking' melodies onto a musical score

TU Graz researchers develop new brain-computer interface application that allows music to be composed by the power of thought. They have published their results in the current issue of the journal PLOS ONE.

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