
Satellites guide you to right places

Visiting a new city and want to find something interesting to do? Just turn on a new smartphone satnav app from an ESA start-up company for your own personalised city tour.

Researchers move endangered mussels to save them

(Phys.org) —Researchers have transported two endangered freshwater mussel species from Pennsylvania to Illinois in an attempt to re-establish their populations in the western part of the Ohio River Basin.

Calling women astronomers

At an astronomy workshop in Perth today, the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) announced the creation of a new and unique fellowship scheme aimed at senior women astronomers.

Cold no curb on appetite

Living in a low temperature environment does not affect bacteria's appetite for hydrocarbons, according to recent research. This new knowledge could affect environmental risk assessment in the Arctic.

Understanding the forces that shape the Earth

Subduction is the process occurring where the Earth's tectonic plates meet - and one plate slides beneath the other, taking surface material to its interior. This process leads to a large variety of phenomena at the Earth's ...

Bacteria enhance growth of fruit trees up to 40 percent

Improvement in reforestation and agriculture is possible thanks to the work of scientists in the Center of Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) who use different strains of fungi and bacteria to promote development and ...

Tiny diamonds to boost treatment of chemoresistant leukemia

By binding multiple molecules of a common leukemia drug with nanodiamonds, scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) managed to boost the delivery of the drug ...

Selection drives functional evolution of large enzyme families

Researchers at Umeå University, together with researchers at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, show in a new study how natural selection drives functional evolution of a large protein family in conifer ...

Project to develop intelligent and wearable body exoskeleton

The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO is partner in the Robo-Mate project, starting in September 2013. Together with 11 European partners this research project aims at designing a human-guided exoskeleton ...

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