
Why the renewable target should be ramped up, not cut

It's hard to predict which of Australia's climate policies will survive, or perhaps even thrive, in the current parliament. But our research suggests that if the Abbott government wants to cut long-term power costs and risk ...

US given heads up about newspaper data destruction

(AP)—Newly declassified documents show the Obama administration knew in advance the British government would oversee destruction of a newspaper's hard drives containing leaked documents.

Inventor pushes solar panels for roads, highways

(AP)—The solar panels that Idaho inventor Scott Brusaw has built aren't meant for rooftops. They are meant for roads, driveways, parking lots and, eventually, highways.

'Space junk' fireball lights up Australian sky

Australians were treated to a spectacular light show after a flaming object, believed to be space junk from a Russian booster rocket, streaked across the night sky and lit up social media.

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