
Beyond 3G, communications services of the future

(PhysOrg.com) -- Europe's telecommunications industry became the world leader in the 1990s. Now European researchers are working to maintain that lead by developing an innovative services platform for 'Beyond 3G' communications.

Exotic Chameleon Spends Most of its Life as an Egg

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have discovered a chameleon species that spends a good two-thirds of its life inside an egg: Furcifer labordi lives about 8-9 months as an embryo, and has a post-hatching lifespan of just 4-5 months. ...

Research team draws 150-meter ice core from McCall Glacier

A 150-meter ice core pulled from the McCall Glacier in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge this summer may offer researchers their first quantitative look at up to two centuries of climate change in the region.

'Fuel for thought' on transport sector challenges

The report: Fuel for thought – The future of transport fuels: challenges and opportunities addresses two serious issues – the need to dramatically reduce the transport sector's greenhouse gas emissions and, how to deal ...

'Cross fire' from the brain makes patients tremble

A typical symptom of Parkinson's disease is tremor in patients. A group of scientists, including Professor Peter Tass from Forschungszentrum Jülich have succeeded in demonstrating the mechanisms which cause the so-called ...

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