
NIST software aids the analysis of instrumented charpy tests

To help labs characterize the toughness of steel, a new software package allows analysis of instrumented Charpy tests, or Charpy tests augmented with strain gauges, in compliance with standards from ASTM and ISO. The NIST ...

Tool developed to calculate household 'plastics footprint'

How much plastic do we really use, and can we live without it? These are among the questions addressed by a tool that calculates the scale and extent of household plastic use, developed by the University of Exeter Business ...

Researchers discover skyrmions can split like biological cells

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have discovered that skyrmions— a type of quasiparticle with properties that could lead to the next generation of data storage and transfer— reproduce by splitting ...

Sun Belt cities comprise nearly half of U.S. population growth

The Sun Belt's large metro areas are growing much faster than those elsewhere in the United States, and they are adding more young and old residents than the rest of the nation, according to a new white paper from Rice University's ...

How four newborn exoplanets get cooked by their sun

Scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) examined the fate of the young star V1298 Tau and its four orbiting exoplanets. The results show that these recently born planets are roasted by the intense ...

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