
Globalization really started 1,000 years ago

Viking ships touched down on the Canadian island of Newfoundland around the year 1000, at what is now the archaeological site known as L'Anse aux Meadows.

A new glacier website from the Austrian Alps

A new website dedicated to glacier education has launched. OGGM- Edu, as it's known, is geared towards educators and instructors. Fabien Maussion, a glaciologist at the University of Innsbruck, was inspired to create the ...

How dashcams help and hinder forensics

Dashcams are vital for helping police investigate car incidents, however the way the footage is submitted to police, managed and processed can cause problems. A researcher at WMG, University of Warwick has assessed seven ...

'Matador' guppies trick predators

Trinidadian guppies behave like matadors, focusing a predator's point of attack before dodging away at the last moment, new research shows.

Ancient crocodiles walked on two legs like dinosaurs

An international research team has been stunned to discover that some species of ancient crocodiles walked on their two hind legs like dinosaurs and measured over three meters in length.

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