
Sun emits three X-class flares in 2 days

On June 11, 2014, the sun erupted with its third X-class flare in two days. The flare was classified as an X1.0 and it peaked at 5:06 a.m. EDT. Images of the flare were captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. All three ...

Sixteen nanometres in 3D

Tomography enables the interior of a vast range of objects to be depicted in 3D – from cellular structures to technical appliances. Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) have now devised a method that opens ...

Advance may speed development of seed rot-resistant soybeans

Soybeans have been called the "wonder crop" for all the products that can be made from the versatile legume—including cooking oil, tofu, livestock feed, and biodiesel, to name just a few. But America's second-largest field ...

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