
Microwave Synthesis Connects With the (Quantum) Dots

Materials researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have developed a simplified, low-cost process for producing high-quality, water-soluble “quantum dots” for biological research. By using a laboratory ...

Chemists Get Scoop on Crude ‘Oil’ from Pig Manure

After a close examination of crude oil made from pig manure, chemists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are certain about a number of things. Most obviously, “This stuff smells worse than manure,” ...

Low-Level Plutonium Sample Involved in NIST-Boulder Lab Incident

On Monday afternoon, June 9, researchers in a laboratory room at the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) campus in Boulder, Colorado discovered that a vial holding about 1/4 of a gram ...

GLAST Observatory in Orbit

At 12:05 p.m. EDT, the Delta II rocket easily lifted the GLAST spacecraft off the launch pad, out of smoke and clouds and into a beautiful Florida sky headed for space.

Whole proves to be mightier than the parts

European researchers have developed solutions to help weld a mishmash of different technologies, protocols and system architectures, making it easier to run research and education networks.

Diamonds reveal deep source of platinum deposits

The world's richest source of platinum and related metals is an enigmatic geological structure in South Africa known as the Bushveld Complex. This complex of ancient magmas is known to have formed some two billion years ago, ...

Taking the temperature of the no-fly zone

Flies, unlike humans, can't manipulate the temperature of their surroundings so they need to pick the best spot for flourishing. New Brandeis University research in this week's Nature reveals that they have internal thermosensors ...

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