
Raise your glass: New nanotech clears haze from white wine

Sauvignon blanc, semillon, or chardonnay—when you reach for your favorite white, it's the clean, clear sparkle that first catches your eye. Or does it? When white wines look cloudy it's a sign of protein instability, and ...

Material manufacturing from particles takes a giant step forward

Tiny fibrils extracted from plants have been getting a lot of attention for their strength. These nanomaterials have shown great promise in outperforming plastics, and even replacing them. A team led by Aalto University has ...

New insights into vitamin A recycling and daytime vision

Many people remember been told as kids when they refused to eat their vegetables that "carrots are good for your eyes." Although parents may not have fully understood it at the time, there is some truth to this. Carrots are ...

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