
What's a knot—and what's not—in genomic mapping

While DNA sequencing provides precise, nucleotide-by-nucleotide genomic information, genome mapping provides a bigger-picture perspective of sequenced DNA that can provide valuable structural information. Like mapping roads ...

Global coral reef restoration effort launches in the Caribbean

With the Global Coral Restoration Project, SECORE International, the California Academy of Sciences and The Nature Conservancy seal their commitment to help rehabilitate coral reefs and preserve them for future generations. ...

Long-awaited rescue for valuable silk tunic

Until now, a heavy glass pane weighing approximately 80 kilos has prevented a valuable, centuries-old silk tunic attributed to Saint Ambrose from being restored in Milan. With a team of restorers and art transporters, an ...

Researchers unravel the drivers of large iceberg movement

When, in the foreseeable future, a tabular iceberg nearly seven times the size of Berlin breaks off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in the Antarctic, it will begin a journey, the course of which climate researchers at the Alfred Wegener ...

Environmental DNA helps protect great crested newts

Research by the University of Kent has revealed how tiny amounts of DNA (eDNA) released into water by great crested newts can be used to monitor the species. This can bring benefits for its conservation, and help protect ...

Glowing bacteria detect buried landmines

The need for safe and efficient technologies for detecting buried landmines and unexploded ordnance is a humanitarian issue of immense global proportions. About half a million people around the world are suffering from mine-inflicted ...

Relocation of proteins with a new nanobody tool

Researchers at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel have developed a new method by which proteins can be transported to a new location in a cell. The novel tool enables scientists to study the function of proteins depending ...

Qualcomm fires back at Apple with countersuit

Qualcomm has moved on the offensive in its legal battle with Apple with a countersuit claiming the iPhone maker breached agreements and encouraged regulatory attacks worldwide on the US computer chipmaker.

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