
Heatwave shuts more than 250 Malaysian schools: reports

More than 250 Malaysian schools were closed on Monday due to a heatwave brought on by the El Nino weather phenomenon which is severely affecting food production and causing chronic water shortages in many countries.

Suit: US grouse protections driven by politics, not science

Rural Nevadans suing to block the Obama administration's greater sage grouse protection plan say a trail of internal government documents shows politics drove a pre-determined policy that conflicts with scientific findings.

172 year old Saiwan boundary marker stone found

Teachers and students of Department of Real Estate and Construction of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) discovered a long forgotten boundary marker stone from the very earliest days of the British presence in Hong Kong. ...

Drowning history: Sea level rise threatens US historic sites

With scientists forecasting sea levels to rise by anywhere from several inches to several feet by 2100, historic structures and coastal heritage sites around the world are under threat. Some sites and artifacts could become ...

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