
Online food reviews reveal inner self, Stanford linguist finds

(Phys.org) —Word choice in online restaurant reviews reveals much about people's inner worlds, according to Stanford research. The study, appearing in the April 7 issue of the journal First Monday, uses software to investigate ...

Genetically identical ants help unlock the secrets of larval fate

(Phys.org) —A young animal's genes are not the only genes that determine its fate. The genetic identity of its caretakers matters too. Researchers suspect the interaction between the two can sway the fate of the young animal, ...

Extra-terrestrial Tweet-up links Tokyo with space

An unusual "Tweet-up"—a meeting of people who know each other on Twitter—involving an ambassador, an astronaut and a prime minister has taken place on a video-link between Japan and the International Space Station.

Samsung Galaxy S5 makes global debut

The latest version of Samsung's flagship Galaxy smartphone went on sale worldwide Friday, days after the electronics giant announced it was facing a second consecutive quarter of profit decline.

'Cherry tree from space' mystery baffles Japan

A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed years earlier than expected—and with very surprising flowers.

'Heartbleed' bug a critical Internet illness

The "Heartbleed" flaw in Internet security is as critical as the name implies and wider spread than first believed. Warnings about the danger exposed early this week reached widening circles on Thursday, with everyone from ...

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