
Shipwreck to give up its history

The secrets of the deep will be uncovered when archaeologists excavate a significant colonial shipwreck in Victoria's Port Phillip Bay later this month. 

NASA to fly atomic clock to improve space navigation

(Phys.org) -- When people think of space technologies, many think of high-tech solar panels, complex and powerful propulsion systems or sophisticated, electronic guidance systems. Another critical piece of spaceflight technology, ...

Darpa seeks robot enthusiasts to face off for $2m prize

Hardware, software, modeling and gaming developers sought to link with emergency response and science communities to design robots capable of supervised autonomous response to simulated disaster.    

'Cosmic mirages' confirm accelerated cosmic expansion

(Phys.org) -- An international team of researchers led by Masamune Oguri at Kavli IPMU and Naohisa Inada at Nara National College of Technology conduced an unprecedented survey of gravitationally lensed quasars, and used ...

Toward a modular defense against hackers

(Phys.org) -- The FBI’s top cyber security officer gave a grim assessment last week of the nation’s ability to defend itself from hackers.

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