
UN science report to sound deafening alarm on climate

Nearly 200 nations kick off a virtual meeting Monday to finalise what promises to be a harrowing scientific overview of accelerating climate impacts that will highlight the urgent need to cut emissions—and prepare for the ...

Don't just blame climate change for weather disasters

As a pioneer in so-called attribution science—establishing a link between extreme weather and climate change—Friederike Otto is adamant that the rising toll of heatwaves and hurricanes cannot be explained by global warming ...

Women more likely to enjoy aggression in porn: study

After interviewing over 300 regular pornography viewers in a study published in Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Professor Eran Shor found that while most viewers were not interested in watching sexual aggression in pornography, ...

A big step towards quantum tech in space

Operating quantum technology in challenging environments, such as space, has moved a significant step forward after physicists working at the University of Sussex have developed a monitoring and control system blueprint ...

Researchers make non-alcoholic beer taste like regular beer

Even though sales of non-alcoholic beer have risen substantially in Denmark and Europe in the last couple of years, there are still many people that won't follow the healthy trend because they find the taste not to be quite ...

Studying clouds can provide deeper insight into climate change

An international team of scientists conducted CALISHTO, a large-scale air measurement campaign in Greece last fall, with the goal of surveying, counting and characterizing the tiny particles and their impact on cloud formation. ...

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