
Apple wants to cut TV show price to 99 cents: reports

Apple is in talks with television networks to begin selling TV shows on iTunes for 99 cents, half the current price, to coincide with the release of the iPad next month, newspapers reported Thursday.

Queen's researchers propose rethinking renewable energy strategy

Researchers at Queen's University suggest that policy makers examine greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions implications for energy infrastructure as fossil fuel sources must be rapidly replaced by windmills, solar panels and other ...

Saturn's aurorae offer stunning double show (w/ Video)

An enormous and grand ringed planet, Saturn is certainly one of the most intriguing bodies orbiting the Sun. Hubble has now taken a fresh look at the fluttering aurorae that light up both of Saturn's poles.

NASA Successfully Launches a New Eye on the Sun

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, lifted off Thursday from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Launch Complex 41 on a first-of-a-kind mission to reveal the sun's inner workings in unprecedented detail. ...

Natural-disaster mathematical aid systems are presented to NGOs

A team of mathematicians from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) has developed a computer application that estimates the magnitude of natural disasters and helps NGOs in the decision making process. The researchers ...

Study finds that long-distance migration shapes butterfly wings

A University of Georgia study has found that monarch butterflies that migrate long distances have evolved significantly larger and more elongated wings than their stationary cousins, differences that are consistent with traits ...

Black hole spin may create jets that control galaxy

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scattered throughout every galaxy are black holes, regions that gobble up matter and energy. Although we can't see black holes, scientists can infer their size, location and other properties by using sensitive ...

Homebuilding beyond the abyss

(PhysOrg.com) -- Evidence from the Challenger Deep -- the deepest surveyed point in the world's oceans-- suggests that tiny single-celled creatures called foraminifera living at extreme depths of more than ten kilometres ...

Feds pass on surest solution to Asian carp advance

(AP) -- With marauding Asian carp on the Great Lakes' doorstep, the federal government has crafted a $78.5 million battle plan that offers no assurance of thwarting an invasion and doesn't use the most promising weapon available ...

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